Wednesday, 15 January 2014

                               Na Me Bhaktah Pranasyati.
Ksipram bhavati dharmatma
saswat santim nigacchati  l
Kaunteya pratijanahi
na me bhaktah pranasyati  ll
( Bagwad Gita 9.31)
     The aforesaid verse is from Srimad Bhagwat Gita wherein Lord Krishna says that my devotees never get destroyed.
Lord Krisna says:-
He soon becomes possessed of a virtuous mind ;he attains everlasting peace.Do you proclaim boldly, O son of Kunti, that My devotee does not get ruined.
   Many eblightened  saints have explained the aforesaid verse which is very core of Bhagwad Gita.
    Sant Gyaneshwar wrote his commentries called "GYANESHWARI" most reverred amongst the devotees wherein explaining the aforesaid verse, the saint says that the moment
anyone who gives up his evil behaviour, verily possessed of a virtous mind, he attains everlasting peace and becomes like me and as such he never gets ruined.When a lamp is lighted from another lamp,it is difficult to say which one is first because both look alike.As I am in eternal peace,my devotees also attains eternal peace.
   The saint explained that what ever may be the body.body of a Brahmin or Shudra or an animal, all become pure and pious.When the elephant's feet was trapped by crocodial,the elephant became restless and remembered me, he became one with me and lost animalhood and merged in me.
   Swami Ranganathanand, one of the past President of Ramkrishna Mission while explaining the aforesaid verse said how does a holy mind view human failings and weaknesses? With tremendous compassion, not in harsh way.He explains, generally,in all these ortodox society,there is too much of that harsh judgment.That is the type of a prudish society.But,where there is real bhakti,there will never be that kind of harsh judgment. Today's sinner can become tomorrow's saint.He quotes Dr. Radhakrishnan who used to say,behind every saint there was a sinner and in front of every sinner there is a saint.
  He further said when pure religion will come,the  hange will come.The proximity with God brings humanists feeling.That is how a bhakta never gets ruined.
    Mahabharat recites some stories to prove the point of Lord Krishna.Once Rishi Durvasha came to Draupadi with his desciples and demanded food from everyone.By then food in the kitchen was over and all the utenencils were cleaned.Rishi after ordering Draupadi went to river for bathing.
   Finding herself in such a piquent situation,Draupadi remembered Lord Krishna.When Krishna arrived,he also asked for food.Draupadi was amazed.She showed the washed utencils to the Lord.Krishna found a small portion of spinach stuck in the pot and ate it.Rishi Durvasha and his desciples at once had the feeling that they had stomachful of food and never returned.
   There is another storey.Pandavas lost even Draupadi in gamble.Duhssasan was sent to bring in Draupadi in King's Court.She was dragged inside the Court by holding her hair.Duhssan was ordred by Duryodhana to strip her.Draupadi begged to her five husbands who hanged their heads with shame.She then looked towards the elders in the Court but no help came from them too.Then she cried for help Lord Krishna who at once appeared and saved her honour.Na me bhaktah pranasyati was proved.
   The aforesaid stories may or may not be believed.But my storey is that when I joined the Bar 40 yrs.back,I used to afford only one meal on every Sunday.Rest of the days in week,I remained hungry,at best a piece of bread and a cup of tea at best.When I was allotted a chamber in Supreme Court in 1978, I could not pay Rs.100/- PM as licence fee.To day I am Senior Advocate in Supreme Court and at least nine families depend upon my office fully or partially.
    My first priority in life is devotion to God apart from my profession.I am completely withdrawn from the world.
  Ananyascintayanto mam
ye janah paryuoasate  l
Tesam nityabhiyuktanam
yogaksemam vahamyaham ll
      ( Bhagwad Gita 9.22)
" Persons who,mediating on Me as non-seoarate,worship Me through everything they do,to them.who are thus ever zealously established in yoga,I privide what they lack and preserve what they alrady have."
     Aforesaid words of Lord Krishna are eternal truth which if acted by the devotee,shall never be destroyed.
          Hari Om Tatsat. Reply Forward

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