Demise of 15th.Lok Sabha
Today the 15th.Lok Sabha came to the end of its 5Yrs.term.Members paid rich tribute to the Chair and complemented each other.Looking back to its five yrs.term,this Lok Sabha transacted minimum number of business which it was obliged to transact,adjournments and suspension of working hours and days have been the hallmark of this Lok Sabha.No doubt,it passed certain very invaluable laws such as Lokpal Bill,Reorganization of A.P.Bill giving birth to Telangana,the 29th.State.
The conduct of business on many occasions were short of expected conduct on the part of its members.I can safely say,this Lok Sabha failed to stop degeneration of India.The government played all its tricks to achieve its objectives and the opposition was no match to treasury benches.Many UPA partners deserted the ship navigated by Dr.Manmohan Singh but despite the fact that UPA government was reduced to minority status,still the Government marched away with its flag with the help of governmental agencies tweeting the tails of some leaders of political parties who wittingly or unwittingly were forced to support the government.
At times,members showed utterly disgusting behaviors when they fell short of ruly behavior what ever may be the reasons.Their behaviors did not set an example for others.Politicians are supposed to behave like a politician only but National Interests were supposed to be paramount for them which they failed to safeguard.
I pluck a leaf from the history book from the year 1948.We had achieved our freedom and our first government was functioning under Pt.Nehru with Sardar Patel as Home Minister.Second World War had come to an end.Winston Churchill,the hero of world war had lost the election and he had become former British Prime Minister.Churchill accused the socialists saying " on gaining power threw themselves into the task of demolishing our long built up and splendid structure in the East with zeal and gusto,and they certainly have brought widespread ruin,misery and bloodshed upon the Indian masses to an extent no one can measure."Power has been recklessely confided to Indian political parties which in way represent the needs or feelings of the 400 million people who had dwelt so long under the protection of the British Crown............................... "We have witnessed the violent action of Mr. Nehru`s Hindu Government against Kashmir,four-fifths of whose population are Muslims.It may be that soon this Government,using the modern weapons we left behind,will attack the ancient state of Hyderabad with its 17 millions of people and overthrow the Government of the Nizam."
Churchill further reported to have forecast: " Power will go into the hands of rascals,rogues and freebooters.......These are men of of straw of whom no trace will be found after a few years"
Sardar Patel reported to have thundered " I should like to tell His Majesty`s Government that if they wish India to maintain friendly relations with Great Britain,they must see that India is in no way subjected to malicious and venomous attacks of this kind and that British statesmen and others learn to speak of this country in terms of friendship and goodwill......................Mr.Churchill is an unashamed imperialist and at a time when imperialism is on its last legs,he is the proverbial last ditcher to whom obstinacy and dogged consistency mean more than reason,imagination and wisdom................."We therefore decided to drink the bitter cup and accept the lesser evil of partition,only on the condition that it commanded the support of all parties........................"The fact of the matter is that, to vary the words of a British statesman,whether Mr.Churchill roars like a lion or coos like a dove,it is his ignorance and blind prejudice that must come out prominently.......
Churchill enjoyed the retort of Sardar Patel and said " Sardar Patel should not confine himself within the limits of India,but world was entitled to see and hear more of him.
There was Sardar Patel who could reply befittingly to bulldog Churchill but have our Parliamentarians come true to the forecast of the description of of politicians as rascals,rogues and freebooters?
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