In 1959,I was in 5th.Standard.We had a text book of English language carrying essays on great personalities of India.The first essay was on Mahatma Gandhi.It opened with the sentence-
"If any one can be said to have won the freedom for the nation,he was
Mahatma Gandhi."
We were made to mug up the essay I still remember even after 54 years.Gandhi`s aura was so big then that no body could dare speak against him.He was darling of the masses.Probably,he still continues to be so but new generation having not heard so much about him,their concentration is more on Nehru -Gandhi dynasty only.Their idol ranges from Indira Gandhi to Rajiv Gandhi to Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi.Congress thought all their sins shall be diminished with the surname Gandhi.
In 1946,Sardar Patel was almost unanimous choice for Prime minister ship but Mahatma Gandhi changed the course of history by mandating Patel to withdraw from the contest in favour of his favorite Pt.Nehru.Misfortune struck the nation,we were burdened with Nehru who with narrow vision did not allow the nation to grow in normal way,Russian Socialism was followed by him where everything was closed and the people did not get fair opportunities to go naturally,it was all state controlled,license and permit raj was the hall mark,economy moved very slowly,a few industrial families close to Nehru benefited from his rule but India did not benefit.It was a close economy,history was made to be written by his captive historians where Nehru was eulogized for great economic development,foreign policy was designed in such a fashion that India did not have upper hand,enemies showing up all around.Pakistan and China exploited Nehru`s weaknesses and raised their heads to the disadvantage of India.
When Nehru era came to an end in 1964,there was lull for a brief period for the family when Shastri Ji became P.M but misfortune again struck India in 1966 when Shastri Ji suddenly died and Indira Gandhi became the Prime Minister who also followed old rotten Nehruvian Policy and made a captive governance.The misrule of Indira Gandhi continued till lifting of dreaded Emergency in 1977.People brought the Manta Party Government with great fan fare which could not sustain for more than 27 months and Indira Gandhi returned to power in 1980 till she was assassinated in 1984.Disaster was doubled when Rajiv Gandhi was first installed as Prime Minister without election for leader of the House and Rajiv Gandhi winning 415 seats in Parliament.With such a vast majority,he always remained uncomfortable for his full term.He was first P.M who suffered the allegation of corruption.
Though,NDA government did fairly well but by narrow margin lost the 2004 election and UPA l and UPA ll remained in power for 10 years under a deaf, dumb and a blind Manmohan Singh which gave to this nation a most corrupt government under his umbrella.He came protection to all corruption and misrule,people suffered immensely.Then comes 2004 election giving hope to recover from the yoke of UPA.We thought Manmohan Singh was suffering from the compulsion of collision politics but now it has been revealed by Sanjaya Baru that it was not Manmohan Singh but Maa-Beta who were misruling the nation.Manmohan Singh was only a mask.
The announcement of 2014 election brought Narendra Modi to the fore and BJP realized that it can sail in the boat of Modi.Modi became a phenomenon and he energized the nation with his untiring and aggressive campaign.In free other political leader worked so hard as Modi has worked,Contineousely for 7 months he went to every nook and corner of the country addressing more than 450 rallies traveling more than 3 lakh Km.People profusely responded to the man who started his life by vending tea in train in Vadnagar in Gujarat.All political leaders of all hue heaped on him all abuses,he is most persecuted and abused leader in India.All opposition leaders were abusing him as if it was he who was misruling the country and people suffered misgovernance at his hands and condoned all the sins of Maa- Beta ki Sarkar.
It appears to me that all leaders who indulged in corruption are mortally scared of Modi as they know they can not manage him as they were managing Maa- Bete ki Sarkar.The so called intellectuals are scared as they will not be able to exploit Modi as they were able to manage SoniaG- RahulG duo.
The nine phase 2004 election closed on 12 the.and the Exit Poll shown by all channels predicts Modi lead government on 16 th.When I traveled to Canada on May 10,I talked to some people at Heathrow,London and Toronto Airports.When I told them that Narendra Modi is an incorruptible leader and a man of vision of growth and development,they were very happy and satisfied and they wished me and India well.
The blunder which was committed by Mahatma Gandhi in sidelining Sardar Patel and bringing a incompetent leader like Nehru is going to be corrected after 60 years of misrule by the people.The course correction is a laudable act by the people of India who rose above caste,creed and religion to bring in Modi and save the country from a retard RahulG.People deserve all praise for their courage and conscience ness towards their duty towards the nation.Mahatma who brought freedom failed to navigate the nation by derailing the nation at the first government formation level which the people of this nation have done now by electing a man who rose from the dust, remained incorruptible and dreamt of a vision for good governance.
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